Facebook Ads

Connect Your Facebook Ads Performance with All Your Data

Drive Meaningfull Insights from Facebook Ads

Facebook is a social networking platform focusing on technologies that connect people

Automatically pull data from Facebook Ads, which can then be grouped with data from other marketing platforms and automatically fed into your Data Warehouse, BI solution or visualization tool.

With just a few clicks, connect your Facebook Ads account to any data warehouse of your choice and watch your data load in real-time. Experience a hassle-free, zero-maintenance data load.

Start Free Trial

  • Stop downloading your campaign data into an excel or Google Sheet.

  • Connect to the Facebook Insights API and transfer your paid and organic data to your preferred data warehouse.

  • Connect to all of your accounts with with one job and load the data in the same table for easy analysis.

  • Daily updates ensure your data is updated as of yesterday, and our refresh capabilities ensure your report’s campaign attribution matches what you see in Facebook ads manager.

Facebook Ads

What data can I get from Facebook Ads?

Available endpoints and fields are available from Facebook Ads through Launchpad.

Facebook Campaigns

Campaign ID
Account ID
Ad Strategy ID
Ad Labels
Bid Strategy
Boosted Object
Budget Rebalance
Buying Type
Create Lift Study
Use Spend Cap
Configures Status
Ad Group Created Date
Daily Rebalance
Effective Status
Issues Info
Last Budget Toggling
Effective Status
Campaign Name
Campaign Objective
Smart Promotion
Source Campaign ID
Special Ad Categories
Special Ad Category
Special Ad Category Country
Spend Cap
Start Time
Stop Time
Top Line ID
Updated Time

Facebook Paid Ads

Canvas Avg View Percent
Canvas Avg View Time
Cost Per Inline Link Click
Cost Per Inline Post Engagement
Cost Per Unique Click
Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click
Estimated Ad Recall Rate Lower Bound
Estimated Ad Recall Rate Upper Bound
Estimated Ad Recallers Lower Bound
Estimated Ad Recallers Upper Bound
Inline Link Click Ctr
Inline Link Clicks
Inline Post Engagement
Instant Experience Clicks to Open
Instant Experience Clicks to Start
Instant Experience Outbound Clicks
Total Postbacks
Name / id
Account ID
Account Name
Ad Name
Adset ID
Adset Name
Campaign ID
Campaign Name
Cost Per Click
Cost Per 1000 Impressions
Cost Per 1000 People
Percentage of Viewed Clicks
Full View Impressions
Full View Reach
Qualifying Question Qualify Answer Rate
Social Spend
Action Values
Account Currency
Attribution Setting
Auction Bid
Auction Competitiveness
Auction Max Competitor Bid
Buying Type
Created Time
Date Start
Date End
Optimization Goal
Updated Time
Wish Bid
Product ID
Hourly stats by audience time zone
Hourly stats by advertiser time zone
Device Platform
Action Device
Action Target ID
Impression Device
Platform Position
Publisher Platform

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