Google Ads

Connect Your Google Ads Performance with All Your Data

Drive Meaningful Insights from Google Ads

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords and Google AdWords Express) is an online advertising solution that businesses use to promote their products and services.

Automatically pull data from Google Ads, which can then be grouped with data from other marketing platforms and automatically fed into your Data Warehouse, BI solution or visualization tool.

With just a few clicks, connect your Google Ads account to any data warehouse of your choice and watch your data load in real-time. Experience a hassle-free, zero-maintenance data load.

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What data can I get from Google Ads?

Available endpoints and fields are available from Google Ads through Launchpad.

Google Campaign Performance

Accessible Bidding Strategy
Ad Serving Optimization Status
Advertising Channel Sub Type
Advertising Channel Type
App Setting App Id
App Setting App Store
App Setting Bidding Strategy Goal Type
Audience Setting Use Audience Grouped
Base Campaign
Bidding Strategy
Bidding Strategy System Status
Bidding Strategy Type
Commission Commission Rate Micros
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Domain Name
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Feeds
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Language Code
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Use Supplied Urls Only
End Date
Excluded Parent Asset Field Types
Excluded Parent Asset Set Types
Experiment Type
Final Url Suffix
Frequency Caps
Geo Target Type Setting Negative Geo Target Type
Geo Target Type Setting Positive Geo Target Type
Hotel Setting Hotel Center Id
Local Setting Location Source Type
Local Services Settings Category Bids
Manual Cpa
Manual Cpc Enhanced Cpc Enabled
Manual Cpm
Manual Cpv
Maximize Conversion Value Target Roas
Maximize Conversions Target Cpa Micros
Network Settings Target Content Network
Network Settings Target Google Search
Network Settings Target Partner Search Network
Network Settings Target Search Network
Optimization Goal Setting Optimization Goal Types
Optimization Score
Payment Mode
Percent Cpc Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Percent Cpc Enhanced Cpc Enabled
Performance Max Upgrade Performance Max Campaign
Performance Max Upgrade Pre Upgrade Campaign
Performance Max Upgrade Status
Primary Status
Primary Status Reasons
Real Time Bidding Setting Opt In
Selective Optimization Conversion Actions
Serving Status
Shopping Setting Priority
Shopping Setting Enable Local
Shopping Setting Feed Label
Shopping Setting Merchant Id
Shopping Setting Sales Country
Shopping Setting Use Vehicle Inventory
Start Date
Target Cpa Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Cpa Cpc Bid Floor Micros
Target Cpa Target Cpa Micros
Target Impression Share Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Impression Share Location
Target Impression Share Location Fraction Micros
Target Roas Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Roas Cpc Bid Floor Micros
Target Roas Target Roas
Target Spend Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Spend Target Spend Micros
Targeting Setting Target Restrictions
Tracking Setting Tracking Url
Tracking Url Template
Url Custom Parameters
Url Expansion Opt Out
Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Display Url Mode
Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Text
Video Brand Safety Suitability
Campaign budget
Aligned Bidding Strategy Id
Amount Micros
Delivery Method
Explicitly Shared
Has Recommended Budget
Recommended Budget Amount Micros
Recommended Budget Estimated Change Weekly Clicks
Recommended Budget Estimated Change Weekly Cost Micros
Recommended Budget Estimated Change Weekly Interactions
Recommended Budget Estimated Change Weekly Views
Reference Count
Total Amount Micros
Campaign group
Ad Destination Type
Ad Network Type
Asset Interaction Target Asset
Asset Interaction Target Interaction On This Asset
Auction Insight Domain
Budget Campaign Association Status Campaign
Budget Campaign Association Status Status
Click Type
Conversion Action
Conversion Action Category
Conversion Action Name
Conversion Adjustment
Conversion Attribution Event Type
Conversion Lag Bucket
Conversion Or Adjustment Lag Bucket
Conversion Value Rule Primary Dimension
Day Of Week
External Conversion Source
Month Of Year
Recommendation Type
Sk Ad Network Ad Event Type
Sk Ad Network Attribution Credit
Sk Ad Network Conversion Value
Sk Ad Network Source App Sk Ad Network Source App Id
Sk Ad Network User Type
Absolute Top Impression Percentage
Active View Cpm
Active View Ctr
Active View Impressions
Active View Measurability
Active View Measurable Cost Micros
Active View Measurable Impressions
Active View Viewability
All Conversions
All Conversions By Conversion Date
All Conversions From Click To Call
All Conversions From Directions
All Conversions From Interactions Rate
All Conversions From Location Asset Click To Call
All Conversions From Location Asset Directions
All Conversions From Location Asset Menu
All Conversions From Location Asset Order
All Conversions From Location Asset Other Engagement
All Conversions From Location Asset Store Visits
All Conversions From Location Asset Website
All Conversions From Menu
All Conversions From Order
All Conversions From Other Engagement
All Conversions From Store Visit
All Conversions From Store Website
All Conversions Value
All Conversions Value By Conversion Date
Auction Insight Search Absolute Top Impression Percentage
Auction Insight Search Impression Share
Auction Insight Search Outranking Share
Auction Insight Search Overlap Rate
Auction Insight Search Position Above Rate
Auction Insight Search Top Impression Percentage
Average Cost
Average Cpc
Average Cpe
Average Cpm
Average Cpv
Average Page Views
Average Time On Site
Bounce Rate
Content Budget Lost Impression Share
Content Impression Share
Content Rank Lost Impression Share
Conversions By Conversion Date
Conversions From Interactions Rate
Conversions Value
Conversions Value By Conversion Date
Cost Micros
Cost Per All Conversions
Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per Current Model Attributed Conversion
Cross Device Conversions
Current Model Attributed Conversions
Current Model Attributed Conversions From Interactions Rate
Current Model Attributed Conversions From Interactions Value Per Interaction
Current Model Attributed Conversions Value
Current Model Attributed Conversions Value Per Cost
Eligible Impressions From Location Asset Store Reach
Engagement Rate
Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves
Gmail Secondary Clicks
Interaction Event Types
Interaction Rate
Invalid Click Rate
Invalid Clicks
Optimization Score Uplift
Optimization Score Url
Percent New Visitors
Phone Calls
Phone Impressions
Phone Through Rate
Publisher Organic Clicks
Publisher Purchased Clicks
Publisher Unknown Clicks
Relative Ctr
Search Absolute Top Impression Share
Search Budget Lost Absolute Top Impression Share
Search Budget Lost Impression Share
Search Budget Lost Top Impression Share
Search Click Share
Search Exact Match Impression Share
Search Impression Share
Search Rank Lost Absolute Top Impression Share
Search Rank Lost Impression Share
Search Rank Lost Top Impression Share
Search Top Impression Share
Sk Ad Network Conversions
Top Impression Percentage
Value Per All Conversions
Value Per All Conversions By Conversion Date
Value Per Conversion
Value Per Conversions By Conversion Date
Value Per Current Model Attributed Conversion
Video Quartile P100 Rate
Video Quartile P25 Rate
Video Quartile P50 Rate
Video Quartile P75 Rate
Video View Rate
Video Views
View Through Conversions
View Through Conversions From Location Asset Click To Call
View Through Conversions From Location Asset Directions
View Through Conversions From Location Asset Menu
View Through Conversions From Location Asset Order
View Through Conversions From Location Asset Other Engagement
View Through Conversions From Location Asset Store Visits
View Through Conversions From Location Asset Website

Google Ad Group Performance

Accessible Bidding Strategy
Ad Serving Optimization Status
Advertising Channel Sub Type
Advertising Channel Type
App Setting App Id
App Setting App Store
App Setting Bidding Strategy Goal Type
Audience Setting Use Audience Grouped
Base Campaign
Bidding Strategy
Bidding Strategy System Status
Bidding Strategy Type
Campaign Group
Commission Commission Rate Micros
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Domain Name
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Feeds
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Language Code
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Use Supplied Urls Only
End Date
Excluded Parent Asset Field Types
Excluded Parent Asset Set Types
Experiment Type
Final Url Suffix
Frequency Caps
Geo Target Type Setting Negative Geo Target Type
Geo Target Type Setting Positive Geo Target Type
Hotel Setting Hotel Center Id
Campaign Id
Local Setting Location Source Type
Local Services Settings Category Bids
Manual Cpa
Manual Cpc Enhanced Cpc Enabled
Manual Cpm
Manual Cpv
Maximize Conversion Value Target Roas
Maximize Conversions Target Cpa Micros
Campaign Name
Network Settings Target Content Network
Network Settings Target Google Search
Network Settings Target Partner Search Network
Network Settings Target Search Network
Optimization Goal Setting Optimization Goal Types
Optimization Score
Payment Mode
Percent Cpc Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Percent Cpc Enhanced Cpc Enabled
Performance Max Upgrade Performance Max Campaign
Performance Max Upgrade Pre Upgrade Campaign
Performance Max Upgrade Status
Primary Campaign Status
Primary Status Reasons
Real Time Bidding Setting Opt In
Selective Optimization Conversion Actions
Ad Serving Status
Shopping Setting Priority
Shopping Setting Enable Local
Shopping Setting Feed Label
Shopping Setting Merchant Id
Shopping Setting Sales Country
Shopping Setting Use Vehicle Inventory
Start Date
Campaign Status
Target Cpa Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Cpa Cpc Bid Floor Micros
Target Cpa Target Cpa Micros
Target Cpm
Target Impression Share Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Impression Share Location
Target Impression Share Location Fraction Micros
Target Roas Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Roas Cpc Bid Floor Micros
Target Roas Target Roas
Target Spend Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Spend Target Spend Micros
Targeting Setting Target Restrictions
Tracking Setting Tracking Url
Tracking Url Template
Url Custom Parameters
Url Expansion Opt Out
Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Display Url Mode
Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Text
Video Brand Safety Suitability
Ad group
Action Items
Policy Summary Approval Status
Policy Summary Policy Topic Entries
Policy Summary Review Status
Ad Status
Added By Google Ads
App Ad Descriptions
App Ad Headlines
App Ad Html5 Media Bundles
App Ad Html5 Media Bundles Asset
App Ad Images
App Ad Images Asset
App Ad Mandatory Ad Text
App Ad Youtube Videos
App Ad Youtube Videos Asset
App Engagement Ad Descriptions
App Engagement Ad Headlines
App Engagement Ad Images
App Engagement Ad Images Asset
App Engagement Ad Videos
App Engagement Ad Videos Asset
App Pre Registration Ad Descriptions
App Pre Registration Ad Headlines
App Pre Registration Ad Images
App Pre Registration Ad Images Asset
App Pre Registration Ad Youtube Videos
App Pre Registration Ad Youtube Videos Asset
Call Ad Business Name
Call Ad Call Tracked
Call Ad Conversion Action
Call Ad Conversion Reporting State
Call Ad Country Code
Call Ad Description1
Call Ad Description2
Call Ad Disable Call Conversion
Call Ad Headline1
Call Ad Headline2
Call Ad Path1
Call Ad Path2
Call Ad Phone Number
Call Ad Phone Number Verification Url
Device Preference
Discovery Carousel Ad Business Name
Discovery Carousel Ad Call To Action Text
Discovery Carousel Ad Carousel Cards
Discovery Carousel Ad Carousel Cards Asset
Discovery Carousel Ad Description
Discovery Carousel Ad Headline
Discovery Carousel Ad Logo Image
Discovery Carousel Ad Logo Image Asset
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Business Name
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Call To Action Text
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Descriptions
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Headlines
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Lead Form Only
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Logo Images
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Logo Images Asset
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Marketing Images
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Marketing Images Asset
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Portrait Marketing Images
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Portrait Marketing Images Asset
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Square Marketing Images
Discovery Multi Asset Ad Square Marketing Images Asset
Display Upload Ad Display Upload Product Type
Display Upload Ad Media Bundle
Display Upload Ad Media Bundle Asset
Display Url
Expanded Dynamic Search Ad Description
Expanded Dynamic Search Ad Description2
Expanded Text Ad Description
Expanded Text Ad Description2
Expanded Text Ad Headline Part1
Expanded Text Ad Headline Part2
Expanded Text Ad Headline Part3
Expanded Text Ad Path1
Expanded Text Ad Path2
Final App Urls
Final Mobile Urls
Final Url Suffix
Final Urls
Ad Group
Ad Group Name
Hotel Ad
Ad Group Id
Ad Id
Image Ad Image Url
Image Ad Media File
Image Ad Mime Type
Image Ad Name
Image Ad Pixel Height
Image Ad Pixel Width
Image Ad Preview Image Url
Image Ad Preview Pixel Height
Image Ad Preview Pixel Width
Legacy App Install Ad
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Accent Color
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Allow Flexible Color
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Business Name
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Call To Action Text
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Description
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Format Setting
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Logo Image
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Long Headline
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Main Color
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Marketing Image
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Price Prefix
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Promo Text
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Short Headline
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Square Logo Image
Legacy Responsive Display Ad Square Marketing Image
Local Ad Call To Actions
Local Ad Descriptions
Local Ad Headlines
Local Ad Logo Images
Local Ad Logo Images Asset
Local Ad Marketing Images
Local Ad Marketing Images Asset
Local Ad Path1
Local Ad Path2
Local Ad Videos
Local Ad Videos Asset
Ad Name
Responsive Display Ad Accent Color
Responsive Display Ad Allow Flexible Color
Responsive Display Ad Business Name
Responsive Display Ad Call To Action Text
Responsive Display Ad Control Spec Enable Asset Enhancements
Responsive Display Ad Control Spec Enable Autogen Video
Responsive Display Ad Descriptions
Responsive Display Ad Format Setting
Responsive Display Ad Headlines
Responsive Display Ad Logo Images
Responsive Display Ad Logo Images Asset
Responsive Display Ad Long Headline
Responsive Display Ad Main Color
Responsive Display Ad Marketing Images
Responsive Display Ad Marketing Images Asset
Responsive Display Ad Price Prefix
Responsive Display Ad Promo Text
Responsive Display Ad Square Logo Images
Responsive Display Ad Square Logo Images Asset
Responsive Display Ad Square Marketing Images
Responsive Display Ad Square Marketing Images Asset
Responsive Display Ad Youtube Videos
Responsive Display Ad Youtube Videos Asset
Responsive Search Ad Descriptions
Responsive Search Ad Headlines
Responsive Search Ad Path1
Responsive Search Ad Path2
Shopping Comparison Listing Ad Headline
Shopping Product Ad
Shopping Smart Ad
Smart Campaign Ad Descriptions
Smart Campaign Ad Headlines
System Managed Resource Source
Text Ad Description1
Text Ad Description2
Text Ad Headline
Tracking Url Template
Url Collections
Url Custom Parameters
Video Ad Bumper Companion Banner Asset
Video Ad In Feed Description1
Video Ad In Feed Description2
Video Ad In Feed Headline
Video Ad In Feed Thumbnail
Video Ad In Stream Action Button Label
Video Ad In Stream Action Headline
Video Ad In Stream Companion Banner Asset
Video Ad Non Skippable Action Button Label
Video Ad Non Skippable Action Headline
Video Ad Non Skippable Companion Banner Asset
Video Ad Out Stream Description
Video Ad Out Stream Headline
Video Ad Video Asset
Video Responsive Ad Breadcrumb1
Video Responsive Ad Breadcrumb2
Video Responsive Ad Call To Actions
Video Responsive Ad Companion Banners
Video Responsive Ad Companion Banners Asset
Video Responsive Ad Descriptions
Video Responsive Ad Headlines
Video Responsive Ad Long Headlines
Video Responsive Ad Videos
Video Responsive Ad Videos Asset
Ad Destination Type
Ad Network Type
Click Type
Conversion Action
Conversion Action Category
Conversion Action Name
Conversion Adjustment
Conversion Lag Bucket
Conversion Or Adjustment Lag Bucket
Day Of Week
External Conversion Source
Keyword Criterion
Keyword Info Match Type
Keyword Info Text
Month Of Year
Absolute Top Impression Percentage
Active View Cpm
Active View Ctr
Active View Impressions
Active View Measurability
Active View Measurable Cost Micros
Active View Measurable Impressions
Active View Viewability
All Conversions
All Conversions By Conversion Date
All Conversions From Interactions Rate
All Conversions Value
All Conversions Value By Conversion Date
Average Cost
Average Cpc
Average Cpe
Average Cpm
Average Cpv
Average Page Views
Average Time On Site
Bounce Rate
Conversions By Conversion Date
Conversions From Interactions Rate
Conversions Value
Conversions Value By Conversion Date
Cost Micros
Cost Per All Conversions
Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per Current Model Attributed Conversion
Cross Device Conversions
Current Model Attributed Conversions
Current Model Attributed Conversions Value
Engagement Rate
Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves
Gmail Secondary Clicks
Interaction Event Types
Interaction Rate
Percent New Visitors
Top Impression Percentage
Value Per All Conversions
Value Per All Conversions By Conversion Date
Value Per Conversion
Value Per Conversions By Conversion Date
Value Per Current Model Attributed Conversion
Video Quartile P100 Rate
Video Quartile P25 Rate
Video Quartile P50 Rate
Video Quartile P75 Rate
Video View Rate
Video Views
View Through Conversions

Google Ads Keyword Performance

Accessible Bidding Strategy
Ad Serving Optimization Status
Advertising Channel Sub Type
Advertising Channel Type
App Setting App Id
App Setting App Store
App Setting Bidding Strategy Goal Type
Audience Setting Use Audience Grouped
Base Campaign
Bidding Strategy
Bidding Strategy System Status
Bidding Strategy Type
Commission Commission Rate Micros
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Domain Name
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Feeds
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Language Code
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Use Supplied Urls Only
End Date
Excluded Parent Asset Field Types
Excluded Parent Asset Set Types
Experiment Type
Final Url Suffix
Frequency Caps
Geo Target Type Setting Negative Geo Target Type
Geo Target Type Setting Positive Geo Target Type
Hotel Setting Hotel Center Id
Local Setting Location Source Type
Local Services Settings Category Bids
Manual Cpa
Manual Cpc Enhanced Cpc Enabled
Manual Cpm
Manual Cpv
Maximize Conversion Value Target Roas
Maximize Conversions Target Cpa Micros
Campaign Name
Network Settings Target Content Network
Network Settings Target Google Search
Network Settings Target Partner Search Network
Network Settings Target Search Network
Optimization Goal Setting Optimization Goal Types
Optimization Score
Payment Mode
Percent Cpc Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Percent Cpc Enhanced Cpc Enabled
Performance Max Upgrade Performance Max Campaign
Performance Max Upgrade Pre Upgrade Campaign
Performance Max Upgrade Status
Primary Status
Primary Status Reasons
Real Time Bidding Setting Opt In
Selective Optimization Conversion Actions
Serving Status
Shopping Setting Priority
Shopping Setting Enable Local
Shopping Setting Feed Label
Shopping Setting Merchant Id
Shopping Setting Sales Country
Shopping Setting Use Vehicle Inventory
Start Date
Target Cpa Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Cpa Cpc Bid Floor Micros
Target Cpa Target Cpa Micros
Target Cpm
Target Impression Share Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Impression Share Location
Target Impression Share Location Fraction Micros
Target Roas Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Roas Cpc Bid Floor Micros
Target Roas Target Roas
Target Spend Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Spend Target Spend Micros
Targeting Setting Target Restrictions
Tracking Setting Tracking Url
Tracking Url Template
Url Custom Parameters
Url Expansion Opt Out
Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Display Url Mode
Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Text
Video Brand Safety Suitability
Ad group
Ad Rotation Mode
Audience Setting Use Audience Grouped
Base Ad Group
Cpc Bid Micros
Cpm Bid Micros
Cpv Bid Micros
Display Custom Bid Dimension
Effective Cpc Bid Micros
Effective Target Cpa Micros
Effective Target Cpa Source
Effective Target Roas
Effective Target Roas Source
Excluded Parent Asset Field Types
Excluded Parent Asset Set Types
Explorer Auto Optimizer Setting Opt In
Final Url Suffix
Ad Group Id
Ad Group Name
Percent Cpc Bid Micros
Target Cpa Micros
Target Cpm Micros
Target Roas
Targeting Setting Target Restrictions
Tracking Url Template
Url Custom Parameters
Ad group criterion
Ad Group
Age Range Type
App Payment Model Type
Approval Status
Audience Audience
Bid Modifier
Combined Audience Combined Audience
Cpc Bid Micros
Cpm Bid Micros
Cpv Bid Micros
Criterion Id
Custom Affinity Custom Affinity
Custom Audience Custom Audience
Custom Intent Custom Intent
Disapproval Reasons
Display Name
Effective Cpc Bid Micros
Effective Cpc Bid Source
Effective Cpm Bid Micros
Effective Cpm Bid Source
Effective Cpv Bid Micros
Effective Cpv Bid Source
Effective Percent Cpc Bid Micros
Effective Percent Cpc Bid Source
Final Mobile Urls
Final Url Suffix
Final Urls
Gender Type
Income Range Type
Keyword Match Type
Keyword Text
Listing Group Case Value Hotel City City Criterion
Listing Group Case Value Hotel Class Value
Listing Group Case Value Hotel Country Region Country Region Criterion
Listing Group Case Value Hotel Id Value
Listing Group Case Value Hotel State State Criterion
Listing Group Case Value Product Bidding Category Country Code
Listing Group Case Value Product Bidding Category Id
Listing Group Case Value Product Bidding Category Level
Listing Group Case Value Product Brand Value
Listing Group Case Value Product Channel Channel
Listing Group Case Value Product Channel Exclusivity Channel Exclusivity
Listing Group Case Value Product Condition Condition
Listing Group Case Value Product Custom Attribute Index
Listing Group Case Value Product Custom Attribute Value
Listing Group Case Value Product Item Id Value
Listing Group Case Value Product Type Level
Listing Group Case Value Product Type Value
Listing Group Parent Ad Group Criterion
Listing Group Type
Mobile App Category Mobile App Category Constant
Mobile Application App Id
Mobile Application Name
Parental Status Type
Percent Cpc Bid Micros
Placement Url
Position Estimates Estimated Add Clicks At First Position Cpc
Position Estimates Estimated Add Cost At First Position Cpc
Position Estimates First Page Cpc Micros
Position Estimates First Position Cpc Micros
Position Estimates Top Of Page Cpc Micros
Quality Info Creative Quality Score
Quality Info Post Click Quality Score
Quality Info Quality Score
Quality Info Search Predicted Ctr
System Serving Status
Topic Path
Topic Topic Constant
Tracking Url Template
Url Custom Parameters
User Interest User Interest Category
User List User List
Webpage Conditions
Webpage Coverage Percentage
Webpage Criterion Name
Webpage Sample Sample Urls
Youtube Channel Channel Id
Youtube Video Video Id
Ad Network Type
Auction Insight Domain
Click Type
Conversion Action
Conversion Action Category
Conversion Action Name
Conversion Adjustment
Conversion Lag Bucket
Conversion Or Adjustment Lag Bucket
Day Of Week
External Conversion Source
Month Of Year
Absolute Top Impression Percentage
Active View Cpm
Active View Ctr
Active View Impressions
Active View Measurability
Active View Measurable Cost Micros
Active View Measurable Impressions
Active View Viewability
All Conversions
All Conversions By Conversion Date
All Conversions From Interactions Rate
All Conversions From Interactions Value Per Interaction
All Conversions Value
All Conversions Value By Conversion Date
All Conversions Value Per Cost
Auction Insight Search Absolute Top Impression Percentage
Auction Insight Search Impression Share
Auction Insight Search Outranking Share
Auction Insight Search Overlap Rate
Auction Insight Search Position Above Rate
Auction Insight Search Top Impression Percentage
Average Cost
Average Cpc
Average Cpe
Average Cpm
Average Cpv
Average Page Views
Average Time On Site
Bounce Rate
Conversions By Conversion Date
Conversions From Interactions Rate
Conversions Value
Conversions Value By Conversion Date
Conversions Value Per Cost
Cost Micros
Cost Per All Conversions
Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per Current Model Attributed Conversion
Cross Device Conversions
Current Model Attributed Conversions
Current Model Attributed Conversions Value
Engagement Rate
Gmail Forwards
Gmail Saves
Gmail Secondary Clicks
Historical Creative Quality Score
Historical Landing Page Quality Score
Historical Quality Score
Historical Search Predicted Ctr
Interaction Event Types
Interaction Rate
Percent New Visitors
Search Absolute Top Impression Share
Search Budget Lost Absolute Top Impression Share
Search Budget Lost Top Impression Share
Search Click Share
Search Exact Match Impression Share
Search Impression Share
Search Rank Lost Absolute Top Impression Share
Search Rank Lost Impression Share
Search Rank Lost Top Impression Share
Search Top Impression Share
Top Impression Percentage
Value Per All Conversions
Value Per All Conversions By Conversion Date
Value Per Conversion
Value Per Conversions By Conversion Date
Value Per Current Model Attributed Conversion
Video Quartile P100 Rate
Video Quartile P25 Rate
Video Quartile P50 Rate
Video Quartile P75 Rate
Video View Rate
Video Views
View Through Conversions

Google Ad Geographic View

Geographic view
Country Criterion Id
Location Type
Resource Name
Accessible Bidding Strategy
Ad Serving Optimization Status
Advertising Channel Sub Type
Advertising Channel Type
App Setting App Id
App Setting App Store
App Setting Bidding Strategy Goal Type
Audience Setting Use Audience Grouped
Base Campaign
Bidding Strategy
Bidding Strategy System Status
Bidding Strategy Type
Commission Commission Rate Micros
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Domain Name
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Feeds
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Language Code
Dynamic Search Ads Setting Use Supplied Urls Only
End Date
Excluded Parent Asset Field Types
Excluded Parent Asset Set Types
Experiment Type
Final Url Suffix
Frequency Caps
Geo Target Type Setting Negative Geo Target Type
Geo Target Type Setting Positive Geo Target Type
Hotel Setting Hotel Center Id
Local Setting Location Source Type
Local Services Settings Category Bids
Manual Cpa
Manual Cpc Enhanced Cpc Enabled
Manual Cpm
Manual Cpv
Maximize Conversion Value Target Roas
Maximize Conversions Target Cpa Micros
Campaign Name
Network Settings Target Content Network
Network Settings Target Google Search
Network Settings Target Partner Search Network
Network Settings Target Search Network
Optimization Goal Setting Optimization Goal Types
Optimization Score
Payment Mode
Percent Cpc Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Percent Cpc Enhanced Cpc Enabled
Performance Max Upgrade Performance Max Campaign
Performance Max Upgrade Pre Upgrade Campaign
Performance Max Upgrade Status
Primary Status
Primary Status Reasons
Real Time Bidding Setting Opt In
Selective Optimization Conversion Actions
Serving Status
Shopping Setting Priority
Shopping Setting Enable Local
Shopping Setting Feed Label
Shopping Setting Merchant Id
Shopping Setting Sales Country
Shopping Setting Use Vehicle Inventory
Start Date
Target Cpa Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Cpa Cpc Bid Floor Micros
Target Cpa Target Cpa Micros
Target Cpm
Target Impression Share Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Impression Share Location
Target Impression Share Location Fraction Micros
Target Roas Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Roas Cpc Bid Floor Micros
Target Roas Target Roas
Target Spend Cpc Bid Ceiling Micros
Target Spend Target Spend Micros
Targeting Setting Target Restrictions
Tracking Setting Tracking Url
Tracking Url Template
Url Custom Parameters
Url Expansion Opt Out
Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Display Url Mode
Vanity Pharma Vanity Pharma Text
Video Brand Safety Suitability
Ad group
Ad Rotation Mode
Audience Setting Use Audience Grouped
Base Ad Group
Cpc Bid Micros
Cpm Bid Micros
Cpv Bid Micros
Display Custom Bid Dimension
Effective Cpc Bid Micros
Effective Target Cpa Micros
Effective Target Cpa Source
Effective Target Roas
Effective Target Roas Source
Excluded Parent Asset Field Types
Excluded Parent Asset Set Types
Explorer Auto Optimizer Setting Opt In
Final Url Suffix
Ad Group Id
Ad Group Name
Percent Cpc Bid Micros
Target Cpa Micros
Target Cpm Micros
Target Roas
Targeting Setting Target Restrictions
Tracking Url Template
Url Custom Parameters
Ad Network Type
Conversion Action
Conversion Action Category
Conversion Action Name
Day Of Week
External Conversion Source
Geo Target Airport
Geo Target Canton
Geo Target City
Geo Target County
Geo Target District
Geo Target Metro
Geo Target Most Specific Location
Geo Target Postal Code
Geo Target Province
Geo Target Region
Geo Target State
Month Of Year
Absolute Top Impression Percentage
All Conversions
All Conversions From Interactions Rate
All Conversions Value
Average Cost
Average Cpc
Average Cpm
Average Cpv
Conversions From Interactions Rate
Conversions Value
Cost Micros
Cost Per All Conversions
Cost Per Conversion
Cross Device Conversions
Interaction Event Types
Interaction Rate
Top Impression Percentage
Value Per All Conversions
Value Per Conversion
Video View Rate
Video Views
View Through Conversions

Google Ad Geo Constants

Canonical Name
Country Code
Parent Geo Target
Resource Name
Target Type

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