
Connect Your Mailchimp Performance with All Your Data

Drive Meaningfull Insights from Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform and email marketing service

Automatically pull data from Mailchimp, which can then be grouped with data from other marketing platforms and automatically fed into your Data Warehouse, BI solution or visualization tool.

With just a few clicks, connect your Mailchimp account to any data warehouse of your choice and watch your data load in real-time. Experience a hassle-free, zero-maintenance data load.

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What data can I get from Mailchimp?

Available endpoints and fields are available from Mailchimp through Launchpad.

Campaign Reports

Campaign ID
Campaign Title
List ID
List Status
List Name
Campaign Subject Line
Campaign Preview Text
Emails Sent
Abuse Reports
Unsubscribe Count
Send Time
RSS Last Send
Hard Bounces
Soft Bounces
Syntax Errors
Total Forwards
Forward Opens
Total Opens
Unique Opens
Open Rate
Last Open
Total Clicks
Unique Clicks
Unique Subscriber Clicks
Click Rate
Last Click
Facebook likes
Recipient Likes
Unique Likes
Facebook Likes
Industry stats
Campaign Type
Industry Type
Bounce Rate
Bounce Rate
Bounce Rate
Unopened Rate
Average Unsubscription Rate
Abuse Rate
List stats
Average Subscription Rate
Average Unsubscription Rate
Open Rate
Click Rate
A/b split stats
A/B Split Stats
Time stats
Timewarp Stats
Share report
Report URL
Report Password
E-commerce report
Total Orders
Total Spent
Total Revenue
Delivery Status Enabled
Campaign Cancelable
Campaign Delivery Status
Emails Sent
Emails Canceled
Delivery status
Three letter currency code for this user

Open Details

Campaign ID
List ID
List is active
Contact Status
Email ID
Email Address

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