
Google Certifies Launchpad by Calibrate Analytics as a Cloud Ready BigQuery ETL Application

by Jenny Jones on Apr 11, 2024

We're excited to share one of our biggest announcements yet! As of April 2024, Launchpad has achieved the Google Cloud Ready - BigQuery designation. This is huge news for us, and it's great validation and recognition for all the excellent work our team has done to create a reliable, accurate, and effective ETL platform.

What is Google Cloud Ready - BigQuery?

Google Cloud Ready - BigQuery is a partner-integration validation program with the goal to increase user confidence in BigQuery's partner integrations. Earning this designation means that Launchpad's BigQuery integration has been proven to meet a core set of functional and interoperability requirements determined by Google.

How does a company become a Google Cloud Partner?

In order for Calibrate Analytics to receive this designation, Google Cloud's engineering teams validated Launchpad's BigQuery integrations using a detailed, three-phase process. They began by running data integration tests, then worked closely with the Calibrate team to fill any gaps, and finally, refined any necessary documentation for our mutual customers.

You can now find Launchpad in the BigQuery Partner Center under the section labeled ETL & Data Integration.

How does this affect Launchpad users?

Now both current and future Launchpad users have the added confidence of knowing that the platform has successfully passed Google's rigorous testing process and is seamlessly integrated with BigQuery.

Looking ahead, Calibrate Analytics will continue to collaborate closely with Google Cloud's partner engineering and BigQuery teams to enhance products for mutual customers. We're excited about the opportunity to further enhance Calibrate's partnership with Google Cloud this year!

New to Launchpad?

Launchpad is an easy-to-use extract, transform, and load (ETL) platform that can seamlessly transfer data from the most popular sources to the destination of your choice. Archive your historical data, schedule automated reports, and create powerful visualizations all in one place. Check out the free 14-day trial and see how Launchpad can optimize your analytics stack to reduce costs, save time, and keep you a step ahead of the competition.

Try Launchpad Free for 2 Weeks

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  • Jenny Jones

    About the Author

    Jenny is head of sales & marketing at Calibrate Analytics. She is passionate about empowering businesses to unlock the true potential of their data through analytics tools and strategies. In her role, she is responsible for addressing customer needs with solutions that are both effective and affordable.