
Unlock Real-Time Insights and Cost Savings with Streaming Data

by Shannon Gantt on Sep 01, 2024

In today's digital landscape, businesses are increasingly turning to streaming data platforms to stay ahead of the competition. These platforms allow companies to process and analyze data in real time, unlocking new opportunities for immediate decision-making and cost savings. In short, think of streaming as a never-ending, continuous feed of data.

In previous articles, we touched on the rise of streaming ETL (Extract Transform Load) applications and event-driven data ingestion:

In this article we'll explore more about streaming data platforms, highlighting their benefits in cost efficiency and real-time decision-making.

The Evolution of Data Processing

Traditional data pipeline and Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) usage relies on batch processing to ingest and analyze large volumes of data. This approach involves collecting data over a period, processing it in bulk, and then deriving insights. While effective for historical analysis, batch processing poses significant limitations. The delay between data collection and performance measurement results in missed opportunities to engage your customer base in real time as they engage with you.

The introduction of streaming data platforms represents a significant advancement in the way data is processed. Unlike batch processing, streaming platforms continuously ingest, process, and analyze data as it is received. This shift from static to dynamic data processing has unlocked new possibilities for businesses to understand and manage performance.

Real-Time Decision-Making

One of the most significant advantages of streaming data platforms is their ability to facilitate real-time decision-making. By processing data as it arrives, organizations can now respond to events instantly, leading to faster and more informed decisions. Some examples include:

  • Fraud Detection: Financial institutions can detect and prevent fraudulent transactions in real-time, reducing losses and improving customer trust.
  • Supply Chain Management: Companies can monitor inventory levels, predict stockouts, and optimize logistics on the fly, ensuring smooth operations.
  • Customer Experience: Streaming data enables businesses to deliver personalized experiences based on real-time customer behavior, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

Being able to make decisions in real-time is a game changer, especially in industries where timing is critical. By leveraging streaming data platforms, businesses can stay agile, adapt to changing conditions, and seize opportunities quickly when they arise.

Lowering Costs

Streaming data platforms also offer significant cost benefits compared to traditional data processing methods. These platforms optimize resource usage by processing only the relevant data as it is collected, rather than storing and analyzing large datasets all at once. This type of approach leads to:

  • Reduced Infrastructure Costs: Streaming data platforms often operate in cloud environments, where resources can be scaled up or down based on demand. This flexibility allows businesses to pay only for the resources they use, avoiding the need for costly, always-on infrastructure.
  • Lower Data Storage Costs: By processing data in real-time, businesses can reduce the amount of data that needs to be stored long-term. This not only cuts storage costs but also simplifies data management and compliance efforts.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Streaming platforms enable more efficient use of computational resources. Since data is processed in motion, there's no need for extensive processing pipelines, which can be resource-intensive.

Overall, the cost efficiency of streaming data platforms keeps expenses in check while offering a superior path to better analytics.

Use Cases Across Industries

The adoption of streaming data platforms is spreading rapidly as it addresses specific challenges across a variety of sectors:

  • Finance: Real-time market data analysis, fraud detection, and automated trading.
  • Healthcare: Monitoring patient vitals in real-time, enabling timely interventions.
  • Retail: Personalized marketing based on live customer interactions and trends.
  • Manufacturing: Predictive maintenance by monitoring equipment health in real-time to prevent costly breakdowns.

Launchpad ETL and Streaming Data

Launchpad offers streaming features, letting you send real-time data from your source of choice to your preferred destination or platform. Launchpad easily ingests data including marketing leads, shipping updates, multiple types chat messaging, form posts, webhooks, and even custom structured or unstructured event data. The benefits of using Launchpad streaming include:

  • Fresh Data: Fresh data will always be available because the processing is being done one event at a time in realtime, reducing the latency of data.
  • Reduced Latency: The latency between the data capturing event and any processing and warehousing is reduced, allowing customers to make decisions and take action sooner via automation.
  • Real-time Data Transformation: Apply no-code transformations to the streaming data before sending it to the destination of your choice.
  • Automation and Data-driven Decisions: Trigger smart pipelines for making data-driven decisions in real time and invoking cross-job dependencies with workflow automation. We talk a bit more about this in a recent post.

Need Help with Streaming Data Integration?

As businesses strive to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic environment, the advent of streaming data platforms represents a pivotal advancement in data processing technology. By enabling real-time decision-making and offering substantial cost efficiencies, these platforms empower organizations to respond quickly to new opportunities and challenges. The future of data processing is undeniably streaming, and those who embrace it will be well-positioned to lead in the digital age.

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  • Shannon Gantt

    About the Author

    Shannon is head of technology at Calibrate Analytics. With over 24 years of experience focused on delivering technology solutions via a customer-first approach. Having successfully overseen the development and delivery of large-scale applications that span cloud, he is focused on developing creative business intelligence and e-commerce products.